Fiction as Letters Right to Your Mailbox
In a world where emails and text messages reign supreme, there's a charming novelty to the idea of receiving fiction in the form of personalized letters right to your mailbox. And that’s what Fiction Mail is all about – it’s fiction as letters that will bring you back in time.

Imagine it - every week, you check your mailbox, not for the endless bills or junk mail, but for a letter from a fictional friend with an incredible story to tell. Their weekly letter to you brings you along on their amazing escapade, filled with twists and turns, action and adventure, and a whimsical cast of characters.
For those who grew up in a time when letter writing was the norm, Fiction Mail offers a delightful trip down memory lane. It's a reminder of the thrill of opening the mailbox and finding a letter waiting for you, filled with tales of adventure, mystery, and intrigue. In an age where digital communication dominates, Fiction Mail brings back the simple pleasure of holding a tangible piece of storytelling in your hands.
A Fiction Mail Series makes an excellent gift for those who belong to the boomer and Gex X generations and miss the excitement of receiving letters in the mail. It's a thoughtful gesture that not only evokes nostalgia but also offers weeks of entertainment and escapism through captivating storytelling.
But it's not just the older generation who can appreciate the thrill of Fiction Mail. Younger readers are also drawn to its retro allure, seeing it as a novel way to experience fiction in a whole new way.
Interested in Fiction Mail and want to learn more? Start by checking out our series of letters . We have 8-letter series delivered one per week over two months, 4-letter series delivered over a month, and 1-letter singles for a quick shot of the retro letter experience.
So, whether you're longing to relive the nostalgia of letter writing or seeking a whimsical retro gift for a loved one, Fiction Mail promises to deliver joy and enchantment right to your mailbox.
Step into a world where imagination knows no bounds and where every letter holds the promise of a new adventure. With Fiction Mail, the thrill of storytelling is waiting for you in your mailbox!